Sleep has been a hot topic as of late, with many podcasts and articles stressing the importance of getting in enough z’s. All of the attention is for good reason – studies show that an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans of all ages and backgrounds suffer from sleep-related problems.

In short, good sleep equals good health. To fully understand why sleep is so essential, think of your body like a factory that is performing vital functions. As you drift off, your body begins its work on the night-shift, which includes repairing damaged cells, boosting your immune system, recovering from daily activities, and recharging your cardiovascular system.

Ensuring you are getting 8 hours of sleep isn’t enough, however – it’s also about the quality of your sleep. Smart home technology can help improve your nighttime routine so you can experience a restful sleep every night – here’s how.

Slowly turn down the temperature

Your bedroom is your sanctuary, so first things first – make sure it’s as comfortable as possible. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the deepest sleep occurs in a room that’s around 60 to 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

Science backs it up – as you go through your daily routine, your body temperature fluctuates. When your body starts to feel sleepy, your internal temperature starts to drop to prepare your body for sleep mode and to settle into a REM cycle. Therefore, a warmer room can prevent your body from reaching its best sleep temperature.

An easy way to achieve an optimal sleeping temperature every night is to implement a smart thermostat. You can set the temperature to gradually lower as you get closer to your bedtime. You can set it to lower automatically at a certain time, or simply ask the built-in voice assistant to lower the temperature to your desired degree.

Dim the lights

According to research by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, exposure to bright artificial light in the late evening can disrupt melatonin production, making it hard to fall asleep. As a rule, warmer light is better and less disruptive a few hours before bedtime.

With smart lights, you can create a dimmed, warm glow in your bedroom that will make easing into a deep sleep much easier. Try purchasing warm-colored smart bulbs and setting them on a schedule so they dim slowly as you ease into lights-off time.

Another note – blue light can disrupt your ability to sleep well. Avoiding electronics such as TVs and smartphones that emit this will help you sleep more soundly. Try winding down with a good book instead.

Fall asleep (and stay asleep) with relaxing sounds

Sure, some people prefer complete silence when it comes to sleep. Increasingly, however, people are looking to sounds to help them fall and stay asleep, specifically white noise.

White noise is sound that is delivered evenly across all hearable frequencies and decreases your sensitivity to other sounds. It often has a masking effect, which helps you not be disturbed by other sounds in the night.

If you’d like to see if white noise can help improve your sleep, smart home technology is there for you. Both Alexa and Google Assistant offer comprehensive white noise bedtime options. Simply use commands such as “Alexa, play ambient sleep sounds” or “Hey Google, play ambient noise.”

Create the perfect sleep routine for you

Temperature, light, and sound play huge roles in creating the perfect sleep environment. Simply call the specialists at Smaart House to set up the perfect Sleeptime Smart Home Technology for you.

And here are some hand resources if you suffer from sleep deprivation!

Or visit Smaart House to see what else we can curate for you.

Sweet dreams!


